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Otto Roboz于1953年成立Roboz手术器械公司时,他的目标是为研究人员提供专门设计的手工制作的手术器械,以满足他们的独特需求。 从那以后,Roboz Surgical已发展成为生命科学市场上优质外科器械的主要来源之一。 尽管在过去的60年中研究界的工作发生了很大变化,但Roboz Surgical通过不断的创新,继续提供最优质的仪器和无与伦比的服务,以满足并超越了我们所有客户的需求。
如今,Roboz外科器械公司已成为外科器械及相关产品的领先设计商和开发商。 Roboz的产品被全球的医疗保健和研究专业人员所使用。 在我们六十多年的历史中,Roboz名称一直是品质的代名词。
When Otto Roboz started the Roboz Surgical Instrument Company in 1953, his goal was to provide researchers with specialized, hand-crafted surgical instruments designed to meet their unique demands. Since then, Roboz Surgical has grown into one of the life science market’s leading sources of quality surgical instruments. Although the work of the research community has changed quite a bit over the last 60 years, Roboz Surgical, through constant innovation, continues to provide the highest-quality instruments and unparalleled service, to meet and exceed all of our customers’ needs.
Today Roboz Surgical Instrument Company is a leading designer and developer of surgical instruments and related products. Our products are used by healthcare and research professionals worldwide. Throughout our history of over sixty years , the Roboz name has been synonymous with quality.
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